Lasitha Silva’s Web’log

Archive for November 2009

Take into account this humble request coming from all sportsmen, supporters, alumni & well wishers before you arrive to a decision on the cancellation of all sports for the rest of the current Inter University season….

We write in severe pain and deep regret due to the wounds that have procured as repercussions of the untenable conduct of University Undergraduates in tarnishing the true spirit of Sports, not necessarily within the field, but largely outside it. We are sorry to take cognizance of the dire present, stained by the inconsiderate acts of our own peers jeopardizing long and strong traditions and friendships our predecessors entrenched through Sports during their University phase. Now it has reached its apex of disrupting the continuance of an invaluable legacy yearned to be felt by all Sportsmen at all Universities.

We understand whole heartedly the scope and extent of the danger that these acts with the taint of violence have created to Sports, Sportsmen, Authorities and the Spectators, and it is shocking that this has resulted directly from the hands of our learned colleagues: the cream of intellectuals and the hope of our Nation. The unnecessary over-involvement of the spectators outside the field has flared up the agitation in a series of quid-pro-quo fights seeding antagonism. We are ashamed and will in no way try to shy away from the blame. Those of us who are sportsmen might have had little to do with such violence, but we cannot in anyway try to disown fault or contributory negligence on our part.

As much as we cannot disown our faults, we also cannot refuse to acknowledge the fact that the price for these actions have threatened to come at the cost of the sweat, toil, commitment and hard-work invested by our Sportsmen. It most certainly isn’t fair, that the Sportsmen who have put in exhaustive efforts in their respective sports in order to bring fame to their University should suffer the consequences of these sins. For a Sportsman who has sincerely dedicated himself to his Sport, destroying his dreams by these petty acts of antagonism would be the last thing on his mind. We feel an overwhelming discomfort to realize that practniversityice, fitness sessions, hopes and dreams of glory ought to be shattered so miserably. It is in this concern that we write for an earnest plea voicing out the burst of sweat and muscle which resists our souls from sitting back and do nothing.

We realize that it is for us to take responsibility of rectifying all mistakes to demand a change in attitudes among the Sporting fraternity and importantly the crowd, towards the true essence of Sportsmanship. We wish to preach to our comrades we should embrace our emotions, without being victims of these good-for-nothing antagonisms. Though we have different perspectives, we hold common hopes of moving forward from this stalemate. It is our solemn wish to witness Sports in all its glory with the highest standards of discipline on the part of the players and spectators. We understand at present, that exercising control over burst of antagonism is impossible on the part of the Masters-In-Charge or the authorities of either the Sports Councils or Universities. It has to be ended at the very root that it instigated, and that is the students themselves of the respective Universities.

For this purpose we have taken up the responsibility to ensure that Sporting activities would continue in its true spirit. In cheering our team and universities we should never allow any misfits or pests breeding among us to sabotage our fun, efforts and glory. It is evident that it is no one’s wish to create a standstill. A player or a fan would rather cheer his team to a loss, than to see his own players’ effort go down the drain due a cancellation. As sportsmen, students, supporters and well wishers of University sports we hereby assure you with the fullest confidence that we shall do everything within our ambit to stop and eradicate all forms of antagonism in the air.

We understand that this is no easy task, but our hopes come from the trust and belief that we have on ourselves and our learned colleagues. We believe that our prudent Undergraduates can overcome this antagonism. An understanding that these acts of violence only portray the trifle minded thinking which negates itself in the light of the thought that the very existence of Sports between our Universities has been put to test. We realize that when cheering our teams, expressing antagonism should not come at the expense of our own Sportsmen for whom we make our presence to cheer. We hereby pledge that all rivalry shall be within the field and in the true spirit of Sportsmanship, for even if we are to lose we wish to play a good game. Therefore we promise not to get unnecessarily involved in the game and resort to violent means as we have done over the last few weeks.

Hence, in this regard we beg of you to also place your trust in us and your own wise students to end this disaster from where it took root. We extend our humble plea, to join hands with us positively and to keep things moving from this stalemate so that the dreams and sweat of our Sportsman do not unjustly go without recognition by any cancellations. It may require extra Police security or a massive turn around in individual attitudes, but we are determined to do what it takes to secure what is at stake. We earnestly appeal to you to support us in this cause, so that when we achieve this, we shall be able to look back and say that we did it, we overcame violence and instilled order without a single match or event being cancelled or suspended.

We shall be grateful if you would accept our kind proposition.

Sign the petition at :


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November 2009

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